понедельник, 14 мая 2018 г.

The Korean exhibition in Belarus: 어린이 날

Children’s Day is a public holiday in South Korea.

Children’s Day, also known locally as Uh-lin-e-na, is celebrated in South Korea on the 5th of May every year. It is a public holiday observed since 1922. South Korea sets aside this date to celebrate children’s happiness and to remind each citizen that the day should be commemorated to promote children’s general welfare and protection.

History of South Korea Children’s’ Day

South Korean children’s book writer, Bang Jeong-hwan, was said to have sparked the institution of Children’s Day as a public holiday in the country. An Open Letter to Adults, a letter he wrote on May 1, 1923 calls all South Koreans to treat children with respect especially in the manner on how adults speak to them and make sure that they neither shout nor mistreat them.

In the words of Bang Jeong-hwan, he said (as translated from Hangeul):

“Children are the future of our nation. Let’s show respect for children. Children who grow up with ridicule and contempt from others will become people who disrespect others, while children who grow up with respect from others will become people who respect others in turn.”

Due to many years of Japanese occupation after the fall of South Korean Empire in 1910, the celebration of Children’s Day has become quite similar to how Japanese celebrate the holiday, as in the case of Japan’s Tango No Sekku or the present’ day Children’s Day with traditional cape kites also flown during the holiday.

From 1922, Children’s Day is celebrated on May 1 but it moved to May 5 on 1946. It gained its public holiday status on 1975.

Минск, 5 мая 2018 года
Minsk, May 5st, 2018

В прекрасный субботний день на корейской выставке "Территория земных надежд", которая экспонируется в Минске в Национальном художественном музее Республики Беларусь, мы отпраздновали этот день.

We celebrated this day at the Korean exhibition "Territory of Earthly Hopes", which is displayed in Minsk in the National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus (here you can know about it: http://minskseoultrip.blogspot.com.by/2018/04/the-korean-exhibition-in-belarus-museum.html)

Автор праздничной афиши - Анна-Мария Шпунт
The author of the festive poster - Anna-Maria Spunt
Национальный художественный музей Республики Беларусь

при поддержке 

Посольства Республики Корея в Республике Беларусь 

5 мая 2018 года (суббота) 

Начало в 12:00 

Детский день на «Территории земных надежд» 
Выставка «Корейская декоративная живопись ХIX – начала XX века» 

Детство – это когда видишь необычное в обычном, когда деревья –живые великаны, а до луны можно дотронуться рукой… В детстве всё пронизано солнечным светом, а тени скорее таинственные, чем мрачные… Детство везде одинаково – и в Корее, и в Беларуси, и в любом уголке мира! Узнай, во что играют мальчишки и девчонки за 8000 км от Минска, чем они живут и о чём мечтают в большом мире под названием ДЕТСТВО! 

В программе: 

1. Давай поиграем в Ют! 
2. Соединив упругих нитей узел, укрась браслетом руку!
Он яркий, он цветной, он заряжен добротой! 
3. Открытка из Кореи? Легко! Приходи! Делай! Дари! 
4. У твоего имени новые буквы? Какие? Сколько их? 
Давай напишем вместе! 
5. «Трогательный» корейский алфавит! Приходи, лепи, осязай! 
6. Тушь, бумага, вечные слова… «Мама, папа, я вас люблю!» – создаём подарок для главных людей в жизни! 
7. Одень куклу в её любимый корейский наряд! 
Попробуй неожиданные комбинации цветов, моделируй, сочетай! 
8. Слови Удачу за хвост кончиком кисти! 
Нарисуй её, забирай с собой, и пусть всё получится!
9. Давай найдём цвета радуги в корейской песенке и на выставке!
А теперь давай споём её вместе!
10.  Рисовать картину ладошками и пальцами, лёжа на полу... Да!
11. Картина с корейской выставки, в которой живут книги...
Интересно, как они держат равновесие? Дайте-ка и я попробую!
12. Переоденься! Корейский ханбок тебе к лицу! 

National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus
supported by
Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Belarus

May 5, 2018 (Saturday)
The beginning at 12a.m.

Children's Day on the "Territory of Earthly Hopes"
 "Korean Decorative paintings from the 19th to Early 20th century"

Childhood is when you see the unusual in the ordinary, when the trees are living giants, and you can touch the moon with your hand ... In childhood everything is permeated with sunlight, and the shadows are more mysterious than gloomy ... Childhood is the same everywhere - in Korea, Belarus, and in any part of the world! Find out what boys and girls play for 8000 km from Minsk, what they live and what they dream about in the big world called CHILDHOOD!

In a programme:

1. Let's play 윷놀이!
2. By connecting the elastic yarn of the knot, adorn the bracelet with your hand! He is bright, he is colored, he is loaded with kindness!
3. Postcard from Korea? Easy! Come on! Make it! 
4. Does your name have new letters? What kind of? How many of them?
Let's write together!
5. "Touching" Korean alphabet! Come! mold, touch!
6. Ink, paper, eternal words ... 
"Mom, Dad, I love you!" - create a gift for the main people in your life!
7. Dress the doll in her favorite Korean outfit!
Try unexpected combinations of colors!  Combine!
8. Catch luck on the tail with the tip of the brush!
Draw it, take it with you! Let yourself be lucky!
9. Let's find the colors of the rainbow in the exibition and
 in a Korean song! Let's sing it together!
10. To draw a picture with palms and fingers, lying on the floor ... Yes!
11. The Korean picture in which live a lot of books  ...
I wonder how they keep the balance? Let me also try!
12. Change clothes! You look good in the Korean hanbok!

Давай поиграем в Ют! 
Let's play 윷놀이!

Discovering the Korean game

The game is hers! 
Throwing the toys with joy!

Соединив упругих нитей узел, укрась браслетом руку! 
Он яркий, он цветной, он заряжен добротой! 
By connecting the elastic yarn of the knot, adorn the bracelet with your hand! He is bright, he is colored, he is loaded with kindness!

Three workshops : bracelet weaving, calligraphy and decorating dolls

The children are focusing on their work!

There is a queue to create the bracelets. 

Children and children are enjoying it!

Three colors to choose from and a dozens of combination, to create your unique bracelet!
It's not that easy! Children and adults are learning a new skill today.

Открытка из Кореи? Легко! Приходи! Делай! Дари! 
Postcard from Korea? Easy! Come on! Make it! 

It is the dog year in 2018! Let's create a postcard today.

So, any possibilities! The children are hard at work to create their on postcards.

Even older children are having fun doing it!

The workshop was never empty, even parents come try!

У твоего имени новые буквы? Какие? Сколько их? 
Давай напишем вместе! 
Does your name have new letters? What kind of? How many of them?
Let's write together!

Writing your name in korean...not that easy!

The hanbok is filled with names.
Everyone has their own way of writing and decorating their names.

A list with belarusian common names and their transcription in english was prepared.

Young and learning about other cultures!

«Трогательный» корейский алфавит! Приходи, лепи, осязай!
"Touching" Korean alphabet! Come! mold, touch! 

Creating their initials in modeling clay

A child's name is an important heritage, they are taught to treasure it

Focusing carefully on the korean alphabet, to recreate it! 
There are children, and grown up children! This activity is fun for everybody

Warming the clay in their hands : The motorskills of children are also trained 
A happy, successful workshop!

Тушь, бумага, вечные слова… «Мама, папа, я вас люблю!» – создаём подарок для главных людей в жизни! 
Ink, paper, eternal words ... 
"Mom, Dad, I love you!" - create a gift for the main people in your life!

The art of calligraphy used to send a message : Mom, Dad, I love you! 
Focus and precision!

The children hard at work. This is good for their concentration and their writing skills.
And most importantly, it is fun!
Tomoki-san, from Japan!

Katia is teaching how to do Korean calligraphy

From Alice

From Dasha

From Liza

From Anna

From Zlata 
From Katia, Ksusha and Iana

Yoo Jyung Gyoo, our guest from South Korea!  

Одень куклу в её любимый корейский наряд! 
Попробуй неожиданные комбинации цветов, моделируй, сочетай! 
Dress the doll in her favorite Korean outfit!
Try unexpected combinations of colors!  Combine!

The children are now fashin designers for Korean dolls!

Different designs of hanbok

Such a strong focus, their noses are close to the floor! 
Lost in their own world of designers!

Serious but happy atmosphere! 
Gluem tapes, colored pencils, crayons, glitter...
They are using all possibilities to create the most beautiful dolls!

A fashion designer should pose with her creations!

Слови Удачу за хвост кончиком кисти! 
Нарисуй её, забирай с собой, и пусть всё получится!
Catch luck on the tail with the tip of the brush!
Draw it, take it with you! Let yourself be lucky!

Diyana, an artist, is organizing the workshop

This isn't just a children day but also a day for parents to get closer to their children

Happiness and pride! She painted a wonderful carp!
Unleash your creativity and learn more about the history of another country:
Children and adults alike can enjoy this workshop

Different styles, different fishes!  
Our guest from Japan, Tomoki san

A mix of audience! This workshop is 5-99 years old!
Visiting Professor of Korean Language, Youngjoo LEE
Is there any difference between children and adults?
No! They are all sharing the same experience and happiness

Boys and girls, children and adults together

It begins with a drop but becomes a fish in a few strokes of paint!

Creativity and pride! This girl left the museum very happy 
Diyana teaches people about the cultural treasures of Korea

The first group of painters of the Children's Day event... But far from the last!
Wonderful memories!

Давай найдём цвета радуги в корейской песенке и на выставке!
А теперь давай споём её вместе!
Let's find the colors of the rainbow in the exibition and
 in a Korean song! Let's sing it together!

Learning colors through games! A fun and interesting afteroon in the museum 
After yellow, it's blue! Do you see blue in our Korean exhibition?

What about red? Do you see red around us? The children liked this experience so much that
 they asked to learn even more words! Their curiosity is boundless.

Рисовать картину ладошками и пальцами, лёжа на полу... Да!

To draw a picture with palms and fingers, lying on the floor ... Yes!

No limits, no need to be clean or quiet! Express yourself with your fingers and your soul

Real artists only need paints to create!

Birds are a feature of Korean art from the Joseon era. 

Handwipes were prepared to clean off the little messes 

Looking at artworks while creating help the children draw inspiration from the exhibit.
Carefully painting...

Sometimes, a bit of help is welcome. This is a team project! 

A couple of birds...Just like our exhibit! 

Children unleash their imagination 

Are you happy? Yes! 

Young doesn't mean unskilled! Wonderful color picking intuition 

Lotus flowers and Bamboo forest. Who said this workshop was for children? 

All these artists having fun! Museum means art, creativity and happiness!
Картина с корейской выставки, в которой живут книги...
Интересно, как они держат равновесие? Дайте-ка и я попробую! 
The Korean picture in which live a lot of books...
I wonder how they keep the balance? Let me also try!

Who will build the highest tower?  
The highest score was 15 stones!

Children and adults are challenging themselves

Sometimes the towers fall... Achieving balance is hard!
Focus and teamwork. In this workshop, everyone reflected on balance and construction.

A mix of shapes and colors: A beautiful tower was born!
One hand is protectively defending the tower from harm 

Olga is also building her own tower!

A very black and white tower. Color choices are as important as the shapes

Small, big, small, big...This is a thoughtful approach

Переоденься! Корейский ханбок тебе к лицу!
Change clothes! You look good in the Korean hanbok! 

The hanbok photobooth gives you an opportunity to wear a traditional hanbok 
and bring a picture home!

Girl and flowers belong together
A cape decorated with the names of the Belarusians in Korean 

Beautiful models!
A taste of the korean aesthetics

A small boy hanbok
Wonderful memories for everyone

Such a beautiful smile!

A flower in hanbok, smiling at the camera
A family together...Mother and daughter

Creating wonderful memories today!
Children's day is also a family day

Two activities in one : The fish belongs to the painting activity!

A wonderful belarusian beauty in a korean outfit
Group photo!

An eventful day!

Such a happy smile!

A tiny hero in a hanbok!

Lovely child!

Big enough for her to grow into it!

Which flowers to choose? There are too many choices

Last photo of the day!

Детский день на выставке "Территория земных надежд" 
подготовили и провели:

Надежда Красуцкая, Екатерина Ляшкевич, Анна Кузнецова, Екатерина Дасько, Мария Шугалей, Дарья Кныш, Павел Стаяновский, Екатерина Петрович (волонтёр), Полина Мойсеенко (волонтёр), Елена Чудинова (волонтёр), Анна-Мария Шпунт (волонтёр), Кристина Гудель (волонтёр), Мария Казакова (волонтёр), Арсений Конопелько (волонтёр), Ольга Жук (волонтёр), 유진규 씨 (Ю Джингю - волонтёр), Alice Hoang (волонтёр), Ангелина Бай (волонтёр), Екатерина Павлович (волонтёр), Яна Козел (волонтёр), Ксения Ковалёва (волонтёр), Мария Суворова (волонтёр), Мария Москалёва (волонтёр), Юлиана Гутник (волонтёр), Алина Ярец (волонтёр), Александра Гаврильчик (волонтёр), Ксения Папко (волонтёр), Дарья Громыко (волонтёр), Дарья Шамко (волонтёр).

Шчырае дзякуй!
Большое Спасибо!
Thank you so much!

1 комментарий:

  1. Надежда Гордеевна, спасибо за чудесный репортаж.
    Такие интересные фотографии - детские и взрослые лица, эмоции!
    Настроение праздника передано отлично!
    Вы со своей командой единомышленников умеете создавать атмосферу праздника!
    Новых Вам идей и открытий!

    Вера Алексеевна :)
